Chris Hannah


Possibly one of the best parts of Telegram.


Another sunny day in Stockholm. [111/365]


A day walking around natural Stockholm. 🇸🇪 [110/365]


It’s official! Here I am giving an interview to the press, after accepting the role of Arsenal manager. And succeeding Arsène Wenger. 🔴⚪️⚽️ #MerciArsene #Arsenal #OneArseneWenger


Merci Arsène 😢 🔴⚪️⚽️ #OnlyOneArseneWenger


Breakfast of champions.


#Reflections #shotoniphone


#Reflections #shotoniphone


Got this packed and ready again! [108/365]


Got myself a trendy new Aukey power bank. [107/365]


Slate 😍 [106/365]


I didn’t feel like tackling any big chunks of work with Slate tonight, so instead I spent a bit of time making sure the Login view works on all device sizes.

Just a small bit of maths, and a couple of animating properties, makes a pretty nice result!



I just realised that v0.2 of Slate hadn’t actually been sent to beta testers yet!

However, it’s now with Apple’s “Beta App Review”, and will be with everyone as soon as they’re done with it.

Also, if you’ve asked to be part of the beta, you’ve now been invited!


After about 45 minutes, I have inline images working! Completely separate to the post content, so it will be much easier to manipulate.


They still haven’t released Skate 4, so I had to get this. [105/365]


Went to a very scenic adventure golf course! [104/365]


Two new books for the collection! 📚 [103/365]


I’m getting used to this setup. [102/365]


Disney Trivial Pursuit. [101/365]

Google Translate on the Train


Someone on the train is talking about an exciting new app that a friend of his discovered. It lets you translate words from other languages, so you can pass a phone around your friends while you’re in a restaurant, so you can read the menu.

He then followed up with: “I think it’s Google Translate”. Completely as if he had never heard of Google, or the ability to translate words.


Just had another random burst of development Continuing the theme support in Slate. [100/365]