Chris Hannah

@benhager Yep! I can see myself using them for all my cables form now on.

@chrislopez That's looking good!

@mikehaynes Thanks! I’ll make sure to keep posting regular screenshots! 🤓

@chrislopez Ha! That's exactly what I just did myself.

@chrislopez Yeah, I've been working on the conversion from HTML, and layout, quite a lot today. I have a slight idea on how I can fix it though!

@retrophisch I honestly have no idea! It's certainly progressing, but I must admit it isn't "usable" yet. Although, it will be available for beta as soon as I get the bare minimum working.

@manton Will do, just need to think of a name!

@manton how do I go about registering an app name and redirect url?

@Ron I was under the impression that following counts were fine, since they’re in the apps. But I have no issue with removing them.

@Ron Woops! I meant "following" count! It will only show how many you or a specific user is following.

@Burk Thanks 🤓 I always aim to please!

@ChrisHannah In particular, here's what I've finished today:


@chrislopez Thanks!

It's nowhere near the progress you've done on Micron though!

@manton Perfect! That's all I need for now.

@chrislopez Ah that’s a shame!

@manton Is there a way in the API to get the username via an App Token?

Just so I can make it easier to get the profile of a logged in user.

@manton I think I'd settle on 🏈 "football”, and ⚽️ “actual football”. Good for both parties!

@johlym I recently made that exact switch, and for pretty much the same reasons you did!

@douglane Yeah, it's great having it everywhere!

@chrislopez I do that already without downloading the image. I'll probably end up doing something similar.

@ChrisHannah One of the next things I'll work on is getting the profile pictures loading, and then getting the design right in the cells.

However, I want to build some sort of caching system first, so I don’t have to download them every time I load a post.

@mikehaynes Thanks! 🤓

@cleverdevil Haha, thanks! 😜

@chrislopez Haha, mine is a very slow project! It’s mainly what I do on the commute to work.

@manton That's great news!