@mandaris Thanks. Yeah, the HTML structure was what I focussed on the most.
@maique Thanks!
@pimoore Thanks! Yeah, I think I'll use it myself as a base to experiment with new designs as well.
@cambridgeport90 I’ve noticed that too. Gift giving hasn’t been as important this year, or at least like you said, it’s not been about buying the most or biggest gifts.
@Gaby Woohoo!
@manton Thanks! Hopefully people like it.
@Gaby Thanks!
@gr36 Yeah sure! I've only created one theme so far for MB, but it's a pretty fun process so wouldn't mind doing some more.
@manton Yeah, I'm hoping this can be a good base theme. For people that want to start playing around with a custom design, or for those that just want a minimal design.
@vincent I was abnormally happy when I saw that the blockquote
element use the cite
attribute. That website is pretty much the vibe I'm going for.
@ChrisHannah Part of me wants to create the most minimal Micro.blog theme. No CSS, just well structured HTML elements that make use of the default browser styling.
@Cheri Thanks a lot. Yeah, there’s definitely something special about Micro.blog.
@frostedechoes Thanks!
@pimoore Thanks!
@manton These are exactly some of the reasons why I thinkMicro.blog is the default microblogging platform. It feels a lot safer to put content here.
@gr36 Oh nice work, I just had a look at it. I like how you titled it "Life", that's probably also a good label for the content I want to put on a microblog as well.
@ddykstal That's interesting. I think I'm in the same boat with the split content, but I see Micro.blog more of the place to put comments, and keep my longer form writing on my "main" (Ghost) blog.
@mdrockwell Ha! That definitely went through my mind when setting them up, I was only ever going to use 3.
@mdrockwell I have three conversations pinned, which are basically the three people that I message 90% of the time.
@fatgeisha Very true. I've seen that there is a backup feature in Micro.blog, so I'm going to look at setting that up soon.
@maique That's true, Micro.blog as a platform seems to be the one that supports the most types of content.
@wearsmanyhats That's certainly one benefit that I keep thinking about too. Micro.blog is definitely the platform that has the quickest and easiest posting process.
@cdevroe That would be pretty interesting to see. Especially as they seem to rush through a lot of presentations nowadays.
@cdevroe a bit like how the State of the Union is after the main WWDC announcement?
@numericcitizen I just read your iterative Apple post, and I think I agree. Part of my disappointment is probably down to me being bored with the relatively unexciting iterative changes. Maybe it’s just where Apple are right now, virtually every one of their products has matured.