Chris Hannah


Here’s a quick video, showing the new feature I just added to my app. Infinite conversations!

More Generic Stuff in My App


Started some pretty cool stuff in my app last night - generic views for lists of posts!

I already had it working for lists of users, but with the posts, I should be able to add conversations, and other stuff quite easily.

After that, I’m going to work on a generic view for an individual post and user. And then make the navigation much more simple, so whatever you tap on, whether it’s a post in a list, or a user’s photo in a post, the app will detect the context, and present you with the relevant view to show more details about that.

Basically, it will allow for much more user friendly navigation, and hopefully with not too much work!


Suggested serving size was 8, actual serving size was just over 4. [18/365]


Loads more work on this little project, it’s certainly progressing quite well! [17/365]


Spent part of my lunch time, adding in the /users/following/[username] endpoint into my app.

Currently that means you can see your following count on your profile, but I plan to expand that tonight to actually view a list of the users.


Profile page. To be continued…


Just added some more cool stuff to my app!

Caching for any type of object, a basic profile screen, auto login, and a few tweaks to the messages!

P.S. It currently supports the polling API, so you get a nice little banner if there’s new posts waiting for you!


Thanks to the /account/verify endpoint, I’ve now added some real verification for logging in with an app token!

(I also made some cool errors as well)


Train programming. [16/365]


Login in my app “works”!

I had to write some generic navigation stuff, and better handling for global errors, but you can at least log in using a token.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll add the username/password method. Should be simple enough, one API call, and a URL Scheme to accept it.

Micro Blog iOS App Progress - Login UI


I thought I’d do some more work on my iOS client this evening. So far it can only view the following sections:

The code however, is probably the best I’ve ever written. I’ve kept it pretty generic, and it’s something that can definitely be expanded upon pretty quickly now.

What I worked on tonight, was the interface and some of the error handling for the initial login page. I want to support logging in by a username/password, but also by a direct app token.

It is at the minute, a strict client, because I don’t plan on developing a whole blogging application. However I will look into that decision in the future.

For now, here’s a preview of the Login page:


Work life. [15/365]


Sat around with the cat most of the day! [14/365]


Went to the British Museum for the Harry Potter exhibition, no photography was allowed inside though. [13/365]




Went out for dinner! [12/365]


Forever on a train. [11/365]


It may seem like a boring score, but it’s better than what usually happens in this type of game. [10/365]


Pretty miserable day in London. [9/365]


I didn’t do much yesterday, apart from working on some watch stuff for work! [8/365]


Just a quick photo of documents being burned at the House of Commons.


A nice twist on a good game! [7/365]


Chilling with this cat all day! [6/365]


The restaurant ran out of cheesecake, so I had another beer for dessert. [5/365]


Sitting at my desk all day today. Luckily I have a new BB8 light! 🤖 [4/365]