Chris Hannah


Just added some more cool stuff to my app!

Caching for any type of object, a basic profile screen, auto login, and a few tweaks to the messages!

P.S. It currently supports the polling API, so you get a nice little banner if there’s new posts waiting for you!


Thanks to the /account/verify endpoint, I’ve now added some real verification for logging in with an app token!

(I also made some cool errors as well)


Train programming. [16/365]


Login in my app “works”!

I had to write some generic navigation stuff, and better handling for global errors, but you can at least log in using a token.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll add the username/password method. Should be simple enough, one API call, and a URL Scheme to accept it.

Micro Blog iOS App Progress - Login UI


I thought I’d do some more work on my iOS client this evening. So far it can only view the following sections:

The code however, is probably the best I’ve ever written. I’ve kept it pretty generic, and it’s something that can definitely be expanded upon pretty quickly now.

What I worked on tonight, was the interface and some of the error handling for the initial login page. I want to support logging in by a username/password, but also by a direct app token.

It is at the minute, a strict client, because I don’t plan on developing a whole blogging application. However I will look into that decision in the future.

For now, here’s a preview of the Login page:


Work life. [15/365]


Sat around with the cat most of the day! [14/365]


Went to the British Museum for the Harry Potter exhibition, no photography was allowed inside though. [13/365]




Went out for dinner! [12/365]


Forever on a train. [11/365]


It may seem like a boring score, but it’s better than what usually happens in this type of game. [10/365]


Pretty miserable day in London. [9/365]


I didn’t do much yesterday, apart from working on some watch stuff for work! [8/365]


Just a quick photo of documents being burned at the House of Commons.


A nice twist on a good game! [7/365]


Chilling with this cat all day! [6/365]


The restaurant ran out of cheesecake, so I had another beer for dessert. [5/365]


Sitting at my desk all day today. Luckily I have a new BB8 light! 🤖 [4/365]


Played really well, but the referee changed the game. [3/365]


Back to work as usual. [2/365]

Easily Clear Out Xcode Simulator


I’ve been getting annoyed recently with the amount of simulators I had installed in Xcode at work. But I’ve come across a really simple command that will fix this automatically.

I had 10.1, 10.2, 11.0. 11.1, and 11.2 installed, which I then reduced to just two of them. Then instead of painfully selecting and deleting each generated simulator, I just typed this:

fastlane snapshot reset_simulators

It uses Fastlane’s Snapshot tool, and what it does is delete all of your current simulators, and generate a set of new ones depening on the current SDKs you have installed.


Pretty much played World of Warcraft all day today. [1/365]


Welcome, 2018. 👋🏻

Avatar Images


The avatar images “work”!

I have them displaying properly, downloading properly, and also using placeholders when it hasn’t been downloaded yet.

Images also cache up to a predefined limit, and are stored with the URL as a key.

The only thing left, is to then update whatever is presenting the placeholder image, when the real one has finished downloading.