Chris Hannah


Just arrived at a natural pool. The waves are much stronger than I thought, but at least the view looks good!


Just visited another town in Gran Canaria called Firgas. Not that high up in the mountains, but it’s still up in the hills. The centre had a nice plaza, and also murals of each island in the Canary Islands, and also a rather large water feature.


Last full day in Gran Canaria today. Driving up the east coast again to hopefully find some more villages/towns and some natural pools. I’ll likely be posting more updates throughout the day.


It’s just hit golden hour, so it’s time to go back down the mountain. But in the mean time, I did snap a few more photos of the view.


Found a little village called Tejeda in the mountains. Some very nice views as usual.


Stopped at a little restaurant on the side of a mountain in Gran Canaria for a quick beer and ice cream. Now on to the next town!


As much as I enjoy using Mastodon, it feels better posting my travel updates/photos here.


Day #5 in Gran Canaria and I’m finally up a mountain. Found a strange metal basket that seems to provide a pretty nice frame.

Using the Clips app to make small holiday videos


Instead of just posting a bunch of stories while I’ve been away in Gran Canaria, I’ve been using the Clips app to put together daily summary videos where it’s just short 0.5 to 2 second clips of what I’m up to throughout the day. It’s more fun, and I think the results are a lot better.

So far I’ve still been posting the final video to my Instagram, but at the end of the week I think I’ll either post each video on my blog, or maybe even combine them together into a single video.


Not a bad place to sit…


My main blog now supports micro posts!

Took a bit of tinkering, but I’ve now got them appearing on the website correctly, excluded from the main RSS feed, and also being syndicated here on


One day I need to go through the 1500 posts on my blog, and delete all the rubbish that has built up from various migrations and periods of cross-posting. But it doesn’t seem very easy from Ghost. If only I could interact directly with the db 🤔.


Working from home really messes with my brain. At various points of today I’ve thought it was a different day of the week. Then I remember it’s actually friday, and I don’t need to think about work for a few days.


I didn’t realise Rings of Power was out alreeady! I wonder if I can manage to watch both episodes tonight. 🤔


I must say, I’m very much enjoying House of the Dragon. It reminds me of how it felt watching the first series of Game of Thrones. 📺


Countle looks like it may become one of my daily mini games. Even though I still haven’t worked out todays sum.


My mini blog refresh is complete. A tad more minimal, with a plain colour background again, and no more serif font. However, I added some different visual layers with the content, with featured images also getting a bit of love.


God damn it. I’ve now got it in my head that I need to (partially) redesign my blog.

I wonder what I can get done before the football starts in 50 minutes.


On a bit of a wild book hunt at the moment. My wishlist is growing quite a bit. 📚


Currently reading: Natives by Akala 📚

Turning DALL-E images into photos


After playing with DALL-E recently, I wondered if I could use it to create wallpapers. I still haven’t totally succeeded yet, but I did think of an interesting image pipeline.

  1. Start with an image description.
  2. Pass that into DALL-E and choose an image.
  3. Run it through Pixelmator Pro’s ML Super Resolution.
  4. Treat it like a photo and do any usual edits/crops.
  5. Voila.

Here’s what each step looks like on one of my recent generations. (Note: all images have been scaled down to a maximum size of 1024px x 1024px).

The image description:

“a photo of a large tree with handing branches in the center of a dense jungle with a small tropical river nearby during golden hour”

(Yep, handing should be hanging, I’ll blame autocorrect for that).

Here is the outputted image:

DALL E 2022 08 23 22 30 09  a photo of a large tree with handing branches in the center of a dense jungle with a small tropical river nearby during golden hour

This is it after running it through the ML Super Resolution a few times. (And then resampling down to 1024px):

DALL E 2022 08 23 22 30 09  a photo of a large tree with handing branches in the center of a dense jungle with a small tropical river nearby during golden hour  super res

After some edits:

DALL E 2022 08 23 22 30 09  a photo of a large tree with handing branches in the center of a dense jungle with a small tropical river nearby during golden hour  super res  edited

Finally, cropped to a vertical 3:4 ratio:

DALL E 2022 08 23 22 30 09  a photo of a large tree with handing branches in the center of a dense jungle with a small tropical river nearby during golden hour  super res  edited  crop

I think I’ll play around with the process a bit. But I do find it very interesting, and fun, to see how far you can take DALL-E images. The next thing I want to figure out is to make the images look like real photos, not like weird pieces of art.


The Music app being the default application to open mp3 files on a Mac seems pretty stupid to me.


I don’t know where it came from, or how long it will last, but I have a sudden weird desire to own a Mac desktop.


🗺 I was in Devon this past weekend, and I took a few cameras with me, so I’ve shared a few of my favourite photos on my blog.



Last night I discovered that Beyblade has an official YouTube channel, and the entire first series (51 episodes) is there. So I guess I know what I’m doing for the next few weeks.