Chris Hannah

: The Pixel 8a is tempting…

: I’m never really a fan of covers, but Royel Otis' cover of Linger by The Cranberries is …

: I think my Mac is becoming more and more “linux inspired” by the day. I’ve got …

: I’ve been playing around with bash scripts today. Most recent is one that uses fzf to list …

: It’s saturday, and I’ve got nothing to do until Arsenal play in around 8 hours. So …

: I made the switch to alacritty today. Feels much better than iTerm 2. I much prefer having static …

: Day 6: windy

: Just spent some time improving pst (, it now supports drafts and …

: Day 5: serene

: Quick tip for anyone that appreciates the SF Mono font but also wants the Nerd Fonts icons, someone …

: I forgot to post a photo for the photo challenge yesterday, I should catch up today though!

: Day 4: foliage

: Day 3: card

: Day 2: flowers

: How has pst got >200 downloads already?

: Day 1: toy

: This is what publishing a post using pst currently looks like (it only posts drafts at the moment).

: I’ve only spent a day writing rust, but I’m already really enjoying it. If I continue …

: Come watch me try to play some WoW Plunderstorm…

: I’ve just pushed my new mini-project ‘pst’ to GitHub! It’s going to be a …

: I didn’t think creating a post from a simple cli tool in Rust would be so simple.

: I’ve never completed a full 30-day photo challenge here on, but I’m going to …

: Something I’ve noticed since entering my thirties a little over a year ago, is that I’ve …

: Just about to board the flight back to London. Looking forward to normal temperatures.

: I took a ton of photos at this natural pool, I’ll have to spend some time refining them and building …

: Just arrived at a natural pool. The waves are much stronger than I thought, but at least the view …

: Just visited another town in Gran Canaria called Firgas. Not that high up in the mountains, but it’s …

: Last full day in Gran Canaria today. Driving up the east coast again to hopefully find some more …

: It’s just hit golden hour, so it’s time to go back down the mountain. But in the mean time, I did …

: Found a little village called Tejeda in the mountains. Some very nice views as usual.

: Stopped at a little restaurant on the side of a mountain in Gran Canaria for a quick beer and ice …

: As much as I enjoy using Mastodon, it feels better posting my travel updates/photos here.

: Day #5 in Gran Canaria and I’m finally up a mountain. Found a strange metal basket that seems to …

: Using the Clips app to make small holiday videos Instead of just posting a bunch of stories while I’ve been away in Gran Canaria, I’ve been using the …

: Not a bad place to sit…

: My main blog now supports micro posts! Took a bit of tinkering, but I’ve now got them …

: One day I need to go through the 1500 posts on my blog, and delete all the rubbish that has built up …

: Working from home really messes with my brain. At various points of today I’ve thought it was …

: I didn’t realise Rings of Power was out alreeady! I wonder if I can manage to watch both …

: I must say, I’m very much enjoying House of the Dragon. It reminds me of how it felt watching …

: Countle looks like it may become one of my daily mini games. Even though I still haven’t …

: My mini blog refresh is complete. A tad more minimal, with a plain colour background again, and no …

: God damn it. I’ve now got it in my head that I need to (partially) redesign my blog. I wonder …

: On a bit of a wild book hunt at the moment. My wishlist is growing quite a bit. 📚

: Currently reading: Natives by Akala 📚

: Turning DALL-E images into photos After playing with DALL-E recently, I wondered if I could use it to create wallpapers. I still …

: The Music app being the default application to open mp3 files on a Mac seems pretty stupid to me.

: I don’t know where it came from, or how long it will last, but I have a sudden weird desire to own a …

: 🗺 I was in Devon this past weekend, and I took a few cameras with me, so I’ve shared a few of my …

: Last night I discovered that Beyblade has an official YouTube channel, and the entire first series …

: It’s just started to rain where I live (England), so I’ve decided to go sit outside. Because it’s …

: Apparently even a minor design change such as this simple tiling background can make a website look …

: I’ve finally finished my first roll of film with my Dubblefilm SHOW camera. Nothing special, just a …

: Quick update on my search to find a web archive tool: I’ve found ArchiveBox, which is …

: Realising that software sometimes requires an internet connection I’m away this weekend, in Wells-next-the-sea, and although I have my MacBook with me, my only …

: I watched a great episode of the Rich Roll podcast with neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman. There …

: Yet again, I’ve created another theme. This time however, it’s one for …

: I don't understand cryptocurrencies I really ought to start doing bit more research on cryptocurrencies. From what I’ve heard, the …

: Currently thinking a lot about Twitter, and how it can be used to share fleeting ideas and opinions, …

: Some unstructured thoughts on using a Pixel 6 for nearly a week I’ve spent nearly a week with a Pixel 6 as my main phone, and the only things I’m really …

: I hope Apple start to experiment with different phone form factors soon. Otherwise I think i might …

: Latest YouTube Obsession My latest YouTube obsession seems to be watching people play Cities Skylines, where they slowly …

: Scribe - A New Theme I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve now completed my third theme! …

: I’m thinking a bit about email at the moment. On one hand, I love the format, it is the closest …

: Every now and then when I’m using my iPad, I remember that I can detach it from the Magic Keyboard. …

: New Fonts After using a few different fonts on my blogs, I’ve decided to switch to web-safe fonts. For …

: Childhood and nostalgia aside, I think my favourite film might be The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. …

: It’s still early on, but here’s what my latest theme, Scribe, currently looks …

: Theme Development Update There has been slight tweaks to my two themes - Fortis and Pure, but I haven’t been …

: Blizzard: Save the Date - The Future of Warcraft Save the Date - The Future of Warcraft: On April 19, the World of Warcraft development team will …

: SingleFile looks like a very useful browser extension. As you may guess from the name, it saves a …

: I switched my site to use a serif font for the body text, and I think it gives it a whole new feel. …

: Maybe I’m being pedantic. But when I see that I’ve hit my daily reading goal, my first response is …

: The way I want to separate my writing online One problem that tends to crop up every now and then for me is how I separate my online writing. …

: I really want to go through all ~1900 posts on my blog and delete/organise some of them. Some are …

: Streaming on Twitch I’ve been streaming on Twitch a bit today, while I’ve been playing a new character on World of …

: 10 HTML tags you have never used before To be honest, I only knew about half of these.

: Fortis - A New Theme Using my minimal theme as a base, I’ve now created another theme. This time …

: I’ve started work on a new theme. This one will take my minimal theme, Pure, and …

: Just finished some meta work on my Pure theme, to introduce a rough code style through an …

: My current Artix Linux install on my ThinkPad.

: My ThinkPad just arrived. Time to wipe and install Linux!

: This is what I class as pure YouTube. Descriptive title, no long intro/outro, no sponsors, no ads, …

: A small (but I’m sure welcome) change in the Pure theme. Now posts won’t show the date …

: With some luck, I managed to win a ThinkPad on eBay on my first attempt! Specifically, it’s a Lenovo …

: Side effect of using an iPhone 5 with iOS 10 is that Shortcuts doesn’t exist! Back to Workflow.

: I made a few changes to the Pure theme tonight: Better support for bookshelves (not sure …

: There’s nothing more satisfying than managing to manually install an Arch-based distro, …

: My first two books for 2022 have arrived. 📚

: “Minimalist” EDCs I find it funny when I see YouTube videos with people showing off their “minimalist” EDCs. It’s …

: Very much a lucky guess this time. Wordle 202 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨 🟨⬛⬛🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Inspired by Lee Peterson’s recent post on using the iPhone 7 today …

: It’s my first day at work tomorrow, after being off since 23rd December. My recent sleep schedule of …

: Redesigning my blog for the benefit of readers I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts online today, and one thing that struck me on quite a …

: Just purchased a hardback copy of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone for £27 on eBay. …

: Apple: Don’t like the Christmas presents that your friends and family bought you? How about …

: Since looking my email situation last January, I’ve been using SaneBox to sort my emails and …

: I’m watching Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, and I’m already 99% sure that I want …

: Cursed Child Review I went to see the Cursed Child play in London just over a week ago, and I planned on writing a big …

: I’ve got 294 unread articles in my RSS reader. I think it’s time to start unsubscribing …

: How I want to blog in 2022 I wouldn’t go so far as to make this a new years resolution, but this year I think I’m …

: Nothing makes a coffee better than a splash (or two) of a bit of single malt scotch. 🥃 ☕️

: I’m about to play the new Minecraft 1.18 update, and decided that I’m going to attempt …

: In a world where everything is going wireless, one of my best presents this year was a pair of wired …

: The period between Christmas and the new year is a weird one for me. After spending the year …

: The official Pokémon Twitch channel is currently hosting a stream of a Charmander sleeping by a …

: Pure - A minimal theme for After some final touches, my custom theme is now usable. I’ve named it Pure, and that’s …

: Some more tweaks and I think my theme is coming along nicely. The only things I need to add now …

: Adding some style to my minimal theme I’ve added minimal CSS to my new theme that I’ve started to work on. It adds: …

: I’ve built a very minimal theme, as in there is absolutely no CSS. I’m happy …

: This may be weird, but I like it when websites work without CSS or JS. I really like it when they …

: After a lot of tweaking, I think I’ve managed to get my microblog looking like my main blog. …

: Bulba 0.0.7 haș been released.…

: Thinking about self-preservation and making a book I’ve got it into my head that I want to get some of my writing over the last few years printed into …

: I’ve been making changes to my (main) blog theme, and i’ve just pushed them all live: …

: After building a PC and getting back into World of Wacraft, I’ve set myself a little …

: From what I’ve seen about the new iOS photo sharing app, Glass, it could become the platform that I …

: I’ve been in a weird mood recently, where Apple’s closed ecosystem and endless lock-in …

: I have a free monthly newsletter that I run from my blog. It’s essentially a members-only blog post …

: 🗞 The latest issue of my monthly newsletter has been delivered! 📰 Tricking Yourself Into Being …

: >1300 words being sent very soon! 👀…

: It’s the 13th! Which can only mean one thing, the next issue of my free monthly newsletter …

: I’ve decided to try out a new thing on my blog, a “home” page. Or essentially, an …

: Is it possible to sit in sun for an entire working day and not consume alcohol? I’m starting …

: One thing I’m glad of, now we’re getting a patch of good weather in the UK, is that my …

: Working from home is so much better when you can sit in garden. And thanks todays temperature of …

: Using command-line tools to automate Xcode projects As part of looking into ways to improve my experience with Xcode, I came across a great talk by …

: The second issue of my monthly newsletter will go out at some point today. Subscribe now if you want …

: Listening to Ambient Music One thing that has really improved my productivity recently is ambient music. And to be more …

: There were no suitable unicode symbols I could find to represent external links, so I’m using …

: I’ve been adding support for shorter link-posts on my blog. What do people think about the …

: 🆕 Text Case 2021.3 🎉 Reorder and edit formats in flow creator 4 new title case variants (AMA, …

: Thoughts on WandaVision After the hype of the finale, I decided that I would finally give WandaVision a go. I had seen some …

: I just submitted an update to Text Case, and it took just 7 minutes for the macOS version to enter …

: After seeing some of the hype for the WandaVision finale, I decided that I’d give it a go. But …

: This may be taking it slightly too far, but along with refactoring the way title case formats work …

: The March Blogging Challenge has begun and today’s topic is “Routine”. Join the Discord to connect …

: It’s not exactly a world class photo, but I keep looking back at this one I took yesterday. The …

: The 25 years of Pokémon celebrations make me want to watch the anime series from scratch again. …

: I didn’t think that at 28 years old I would have just watched a virtual concert with Post …

: I went on a trip to Ashridge forest earlier today and took a ton of photos. I was very lucky with …

: A few more shots from my afternoon walk.

: Nice day for a short walk! Much better than being stuck inside and sat in front of a laptop.

: As much as I use the command line, I’m still a lazy person. And therefore, even if I have to …

: I think I’ve convinced myself today that I’m going to start looking for a remote role at …

: My only problem with finding a next job is that I’m an iOS developer, and I want to keep it …

: I’m really starting to think that I want to work at a remote company for my next job. Not just …

: I’ve been in Lightroom again. So here are three over-processed photos that I took last year in …

: What if you could localise Twitter? I was thinking about social networks in the context of local communitites earlier. It made me wonder …

: Reducing Interruptions I can’t quite say if this is a temporary phase I’m going through right now, since …

: I’ve been making some improvements to my blog theme again. This time focussing on the post …

: My Reading System I think I’ve finally found the reading system for me, and it’s all based on the …

: The various steps that Boris announced today seemed a bit too complex, so I thought I’d make a …

: My writing app challenge My challenge to find my ideal writing app continues! I’ve tried Editorial, iA Writer, and Ulysses in …

: I was watching a few videos on YouTube yesterday around street photography, and I found one quote to …

: Transgender Athletes and the Teams They Play On I came across a story on twitter regarding a transgender woman playing in a women’s basketball team …

: One question I need to answer for myself today, is Craft worth £44.99 a year?

: Thinking About Apple One I’m thinking about checking out Apple News+, and as soon as I saw the £9.99 subscription fee, …

: Comparing the UK COVID Test Data Against the Expected Rate of False Positives I heard an MP mention the other day that as the number of positive cases drop here in the UK, the …

: I'm back Okay, so I’ve decided to renew my subscription, and see if I can make it work for …

: How comes it’s virtually impossible to buy a decent pair of Nike SB Dunks now? Either you find …

: Text Case 2.2 Blog Post:… App Store: …

: I’ve updated my post about the iPhone battery life with two charts. The first using only the …

: I’m a bit late to the party, but here are some thoughts regarding Airmail’s recent …

: Stopping Audio at the Front Door I’m not sure if this is a thing that other people do. But I never listen to anything, whether …

: Our cat is really weird.

: I just came across a lonely post on Reddit under /r/blogs, titled “Girlfriend in a …

: Jay has decided to join me in my office, while I play some games after finishing work.

: I’ve decided to reactivate my hosted micro blog. I deactivated it 10 months ago, as I put …

: I’m currently in the process of moving all my content from my hosted blog, to my main …

: A lovey 20GB IDE drive turned up today! I’ll be fitting this into my iMac G3 soon.

: Native UI I’m working on an app at work where I’m regularly implementing new sections/views. And I’ve become …

: What does someone like me do during their lunch break at work? I watch the hour long World of …

: New USB C cable to charge my iPad I didn’t want to purchase a 30w USB C charger and Lightning cable just to charge my iPad. But …

: One thing that really annoys me about iMessage/Messages app, is if you send a message on a device …

: A new addition to my website I’ve made a long needed addition to my blog, a sidebar. I’ve been restricted to the top …

: I took my MacBook to work today so I could play the Battle for Azeroth Pre Patch. I was pretty …

: They never call my name out

: I don't like using external monitors anymore When I started my first job as an iOS Developer just over a year ago, I was really excited about my …

: I’ve got a new build of Slate uploading to Apple now. It has one change - better detection of images …

: Things change very fast. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

: The Text Case release continues to get better! It’s now been covered on Cult of Mac - …

: I only released Text Case yesterday, but I’ve already got an update ready! It went great, and …

: Work is hard.


: Check out “Gaming in the Obscure” by Jonn Blanchard on Kickstarter

: Currently reading: Fifty Animals That Changed the Course of History by Eric Chaline, ISBN: …

: Everyone knows it, I’m an arse ☝🏻 😊

: Just heading to a family party with a Spanish theme. There was only ever one option, …

: A few extra photos from the sunset last night.

: 🌄🌾

: I still think it’s strange that I can take a photo of the Moon on my phone.

: Quick video showing how Text Case will work via an Action Extension.

: Here’s a little project that I really want to finish off soon.

: Swift Tip: Loading Images From the Web Into a UIImageView…

: London

: My World Cup Predictions 🌍 🏆 ⚽️ 🏟 Group Stages Group A Winners: Uruguay 🇺🇾 Runners up: Egypt 🇪🇬 Group B Winners: Spain 🇪🇸 Runners …

: All the cool things I’ve been writing about Slate today are on the way! If you want access to …

: My public GitHub Gist “iOS Icon Sizes” has now been updated for iOS 12! …

: Slate sneak peek! Post content is better spaced out. In-line images have been made smaller. …

: Test post, including italics and bold text.

: Formatting Improvement in Slate A massive improvement has just been made to Slate! I’ve found a new way to convert the html content …

: Just a quick video showing the current state of Slate: I’ve just added replying to …

: New bonsai! 🌳

: New bonsai! 🌳 #Bonsai

: I finally watched Avengers: Infinity War this morning. It was an incredible film nearly all the …

: Swift Tip: Counting Enum Cases in Swift 4.2 – Chris Hannah

: Swift Tip: Hiding Extra Separators on a UITableView…

: My New Swift Tips Blog Regarding my ramblings yesterday about starting a new blog for swift development tips, I’ve …

: I want to start writing more Swift tutorials/tips/things, so don’t be surprised if I create a …

: 🚂 #ObscuraApp #ShotoniPhone

: Microsoft Will Acquire Coding Site GitHub → Bloomberg: The software maker has agreed to acquire GitHub, the code-repository company popular …

: I am 100% certain I will be installing the iOS 12 betas to all of my devices immediately after …

: There was some editorial artwork for Xcode leaked by Guilherme Rambo, so of course Matt Birchler …

: In preparation for possible improvements to notifications in iOS 12, I’ve turned on …

: After playing (and completing) the demo of Factorio last night, I ended up purchasing the full game. …

: My Wishes for WWDC A working Xcode that doesn’t have SourceKit crashing every 15 minutes. Always on Apple Watch face. …

: 🐈 #Obscura

: 🐶💤 #Obscura

: Snow Leopard

: Update to the Apple/Valve Situation A short update regarding my earlier piece on Apple blocking Steam’s Steam Link app. Turns out …

: Apple and Valve’s Steam Link App At first glance, Apple rejecting Valve’s Steam Link seems like a bad idea. However, I haven’t yet …

: Here’s a screenshot of me writing my last post in Slate 😜 I really wanted to add an image to the …

: Current state of posting in Slate I recently started working on one of the most important parts of Slate, composing and publishing …

: Just spent a bit more time working on the structure of the compose view. It’s all nice and …

: This should be an interesting read. 📖

: Of course I’ve already got the new build, but then again I did just make it. 😜

: I know I said the next build of Slate will be with composing, but I spotted a few bugs that I had to …

: This post is to check the varying statuses of progress while posting something to your blog. When I …

: I’m going to either have to create a separate account for the Slate testing, or I’ll have to just …

: Now for the second…

: This is officially the first post from Slate for iOS. It is also the first time the code to publish …

: Quick hack to make AirPods charge wirelessly. 😜

: Monetising Slate Although I’m not thinking it about it too much right now, I’m not completely sure how …

: As much as I find the constant emails from businesses, about the need to now opt-in to their …

: Slate v0.4 I’ve done enough for v0.4 of Slate I think, so I’ll upload that to TestFlight now. And …

: Slate is looking a bit nicer today! I’ve been adding a few extra images, doing minimal US …

: I really want to start working on the ability to compose posts in Slate, since it’s one of the …

: I’ve just come up with a safer way to sign up for the Slate beta. Here’s a simple form …

: Slate v0.3 It’s time for me to push another beta version of Slate! Honestly, I didn’t complete …

: Google Assistant is out there getting its hair cut, and booking restaurant reservations, while Siri …

: Some more design work on Slate!

: BBC: Meet the robots that can pick and plant better than we can Video

: My home screen is looking pretty good at the moment!

: Here are the next things I plan to work on for Slate. There’s still a long way to go. It …

: Icro is certainly very well designed. Which means, I know what I’ll be getting up tonight!

: Apple will have to announce quite a lot of new stuff if they want to compete with Google IO. I am …

: I just watched the Google I/O 2018 keynote in 14 minutes video from The Verge, and I really wish …

: British Invasion: Localize Your .m Files, For Queen and Country GitHub

: National Geographic: The island nation of Palau has taken a bold step in a new direction towards …

: Flitter is by far the best looking Twitter client for iOS. And the customisation options are …

: I’m really obsessd with the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery game, and I plan on writing at least …

: I’m a big fan of the redesign!

: A very disappointing evening. [123/365]

: Did some spring cleaning to my blog. [122/365]

: It arrived! [121/365]

: One of the features I use the most on my Apple Watch, is to make my iPhone ping so I can find it. …

: A small change that will simplify my blogging workflow I finally bit the (very small) bullet and did a minuscule amount of editing to my blog’s theme, to …

: I’ve finally ordered an adapter, so my Apple Keyboard II should have its first use (by me) very …

: Yet another day at the zoo. [119/365]

: !!

: !!

: The edge. [118/365]

: This is what people do on Friday evenings? [117/365]

: The best type of coffee! [116/365]

: Another one of my plants that are growing well. [115/365]

: Started and finished the whole series. [114/365]

: Back to work. [113/365]

: Sweden → London [112/365]

: Possibly one of the best parts of Telegram.

: Another sunny day in Stockholm. [111/365]

: A day walking around natural Stockholm. 🇸🇪 [110/365]





: It’s official! Here I am giving an interview to the press, after accepting the role of Arsenal …

: Merci Arsène 😢 🔴⚪️⚽️ #OnlyOneArseneWenger

: Breakfast of champions.

: #Reflections #shotoniphone

: #Reflections #shotoniphone

: Got this packed and ready again! [108/365]

: Got myself a trendy new Aukey power bank. [107/365]

: Slate 😍 [106/365]

: I didn’t feel like tackling any big chunks of work with Slate tonight, so instead I spent a …

: I just realised that v0.2 of Slate hadn’t actually been sent to beta testers yet! However, …

: After about 45 minutes, I have inline images working! Completely separate to the post content, so it …

: They still haven’t released Skate 4, so I had to get this. [105/365]

: Went to a very scenic adventure golf course! [104/365]

: Two new books for the collection! 📚 [103/365]

: I’m getting used to this setup. [102/365]

: Disney Trivial Pursuit. [101/365]

: Google Translate on the Train Someone on the train is talking about an exciting new app that a friend of his discovered. It lets …

: Just had another random burst of development Continuing the theme support in Slate. [100/365]

: Miserable London. [99/365]

: Zoo day! [98/365]

: London 🌃 [97/365]

: 13 months of unread National Geographic magazines. I should really start reading them. [96/365]

: What a game! 🤩 [95/365]

: Check out my friends IndieGoGo campaign! Three printed magazines on their recent travels. NOTEBOOK …

: These seem so much more realistic than the classic top-down shots you usually see from satellite …

: 🍝 🤤 [94/365]

: A truly magical device. [93/365]





: Here’s a Charmander sketch I did at lunch! 🔥 🦎

: The first thing I did on my new iPad Pro was a quick sketch of Eevee. [92/365]

: A good trip to The Emirates today! 🔴⚽️ [91/365]

: 🐔🐔🐔 [90/365]

: We’ve got a temporary tortoise. [89/365]

: Free Easter Egg at work! [88/365]

: You can tell how old my jeans are, by the lovely mark of an iPhone 5S on the left pocket.

: It’s near inevitable that I will end up purchasing an iPad Pro. [87/365]

: My mini terrarium in a jar has now got quite a well growing, but infant, chilli plant! 🌶 I’m very …

: Pro gamer. 🎮 [85/365]

: Store Man: “Can I help?” Rebecca: “Do you have any fridge magnets? For the Isle of Sheppey?” Store …

: I need a better graphics card. [84/365]



: 🇮🇳 [83/365]

: Take your skateboard to work day. [82/365]

: Not exactly a modern game. [81/365]

: I’m the warden. [80/365]

: 🐶 🙂 [79/365]

: It’s a forgotten AirPods day today. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🔇

: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is finished. Which means I’ve now read 7 books already this …

: 🎩 🐶 [77/365]

: Pretty rare event, I managed to get Rebecca to go to Nandos for lunch. [76/365]

: If there’s one thing I hate, it’s when restaurants serve your dinner unassembled. [75/365]

: I know they’re really bad quality, but I couldn’t not buy these! [74/365]

: I’ve just finished ready Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. It still shocks me how different …

: That’s correct, I bought a baby Murloc. [73/365]

: Enough Chinese to feed Africa. [72/365]

: It’s a day of experiments today! Checking out Swift Package Manager, building a generic library, CI, …

: Catching up on podcasts today. [71/365]

: Testing a new home screen!

: TLDR: Don’t shave.

: I guess only Starbucks could spell ”Chris” wrong. [70/365]

: Turns out I can’t play poker. [69/365]

: It seems I can’t read anything other than Harry Potter. [68/365]

: What a performance from the team tonight! [67/365]

: I guess this is for International Womens day. Everyone’s desk at work has a cupcake with a famous …

: ☀️🏢 [66/365]

: 🐶 [65/365]

: Someone should bring back Google Glass, just to write an eBook reader for it. Then I could read …

: This should be interesting! [64/365]

: Triceratops at the Natural History Museum. [63/365]

: Me and Rebecca know how to spend a Saturday night. [62/365]

: Homemade beer fridge. [61/365]

: Snow cat. [60/365]

: Cold day in London. [59/365]

: Still just reading Harry Potter every day. [58/365]

: London ❄️

: A reading/writing kind of evening! [57/365]

: Interface design! [56/365]

: Here’s the progress of Hydrate. I’ve just made a few UI tweaks, and made the progress ring …

: Finally started using one of my Panobooks today! I’m trying to finish up one of my apps that I …

: Late night WoW session! [55/365]

: Thank god for beer Friday. [54/365]

: Ugh. [53/365]

: We have a new flag at work. [52/365]

: Rebecca made me a cheesecake! 🤤 🍰 [51/365]

: I’m using Harry Potter in order to make me read more books! Just need to start reading more …

: 😎

: Just update my /now page!

: For some strange reason, while I was making an instant coffee in a travel cup for the commute, I …

: This is why I hate modern games.

: The only time I tend to do a good deal of reading is in airports. [49/365]

: Just doing some intellectual reading at the airport. #Copenhagen #Travel #HarryPotter …

: Vegan pizza. 🍕 [48/365]


: Tourists

: Everything is pretty cold. [47/365]

: Managed to find an Arsenal pub in Copenhagen! 🇩🇰 [46/365]

: ✈️ ☕️

: Happy Valentines Day ❤️ 🧜🏼‍♀️ [45/365]

: A very high percentage of my life is spent in train stations. [43/365]

: In a rare 30 minute burst of development on Slate, I added: Tapping a user’s image, opens …

: New shirt arrived today! [43/365]

: Waffles! [42/365]

: Happy Gilmore! 🏌️‍♂️ [41/365]

: Moved desks again at work. 👨🏻‍💻 [40/365]

: Nando’s for lunch! 🐔 🥘

: I finally moved my chilli plants to a bigger pot from the small cup they were planted in. [39/365]

: Always watching. [38/365]

: Another day of meetings. Luckily I have this view. [37/365]

: January Blog Statistics 📈💰 After signing up my blog for Carbon Ads at the start of January, I’ve just had my first set of …

: I had all these ideas about what new Swift stuff I was going to work on tonight, instead I’ve been …

: Very windy day at the seaside. [35/365]

: Beer and Football! 🍺 ⚽️ [34/365]

: Packing again for a weekend away. [33/365]

: I don’t share. [32/365]

: A day to remember. [31/365]

: A day to forget. [30/365]

: Back to work. [29/365]

: Typora is a very impressive writing tool. Integrate your own css, and it can feel like you’re …

: I finally finished a book! [28/365]

: 122 unread posts in my RSS reader. Let’s see how much I can thin that list down, before I …

: Leaving Berlin! [27/365]

: Reichstag. [26/365]

: Dinner

: Dinner

: Lunch


: Dinner! 🍕

: When in Berlin… [25/365]

: Lunch time!

: Brandenburg Gate [24/365]

: First meal in Berlin. 🇩🇪

: All packed for Berlin. 👝 [23/365]

: This little gem has got me through packing luggage for the last few years. This time, it’s for …

: I didn’t do much development on my app today, only the bare bones of a side menu that will be …

: Just under 2 days until I’m off to Berlin! [22/365]

: Probably not the best day for the beach. [21/365]

: Just arrived in Bournemouth! [20/365]

: As usual, a day filled with programming. Both at work, and at home. [19/365]

: Who’s liking the new design?

: Here’s a quick video, showing the new feature I just added to my app. Infinite conversations! …

: More Generic Stuff in My App Started some pretty cool stuff in my app last night - generic views for lists of posts! I …

: Suggested serving size was 8, actual serving size was just over 4. [18/365]

: Loads more work on this little project, it’s certainly progressing quite well! [17/365]

: Spent part of my lunch time, adding in the /users/following/[username] endpoint into my …

: Profile page. To be continued…

: Just added some more cool stuff to my app! Caching for any type of object, a basic …

: Thanks to the /account/verify endpoint, I’ve now added some real verification for logging in …

: Train programming. [16/365]

: Login in my app “works”! I had to write some generic navigation stuff, and better handling for …

: Micro Blog iOS App Progress - Login UI I thought I’d do some more work on my iOS client this evening. So far it can only …

: Work life. [15/365]

: Sat around with the cat most of the day! [14/365]

: Went to the British Museum for the Harry Potter exhibition, no photography was allowed inside …

: 🦆

: Went out for dinner! [12/365]

: Forever on a train. [11/365]

: It may seem like a boring score, but it’s better than what usually happens in this type of game. …

: Pretty miserable day in London. [9/365]

: I didn’t do much yesterday, apart from working on some watch stuff for work! [8/365]

: Just a quick photo of documents being burned at the House of Commons.

: A nice twist on a good game! [7/365]

: Chilling with this cat all day! [6/365]

: The restaurant ran out of cheesecake, so I had another beer for dessert. [5/365]

: Sitting at my desk all day today. Luckily I have a new BB8 light! 🤖 [4/365]

: Played really well, but the referee changed the game. [3/365]

: Back to work as usual. [2/365]

: Easily Clear Out Xcode Simulator I’ve been getting annoyed recently with the amount of simulators I had installed in Xcode at …

: Pretty much played World of Warcraft all day today. [1/365]

: Welcome, 2018. 👋🏻

: Avatar Images The avatar images “work”! I have them displaying properly, downloading properly, and also …

: I just moved one section of code in my app that dealt with parsing the content of a post, …

: Insights Into the Performance of My Blog A few months ago, I started working on my own analytics service for my blog. I did this for many …

: SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Timelapse →… 🚀🌌

: ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

: As usual, it’s Christmas day and my body still forces me to wake up early. I’m 25, but …

: “But you’re English?” I don’t care! 🇩🇪

: Some more progress on my iOS project today! I have Timeline, Mentions, Favourites, and …

: I’ll just leave this here…

: Little book for a little club.

: Turns Out, Apple Are Slowing Down Phones! Matthew Panzarino writing for TechCrunch: Because of a Reddit post and the loose interpretation of …

: The Last Jedi was amazing in so many different ways. I need to see it again!

: It’s Last Jedi time!

: Pokémon GO Will Soon Use ARKit! Coming straight from the Pokémon GO blog: Trainers, Get ready for even more realistic Pokémon …

: Better String in Swift Using Stryng If you write in Swift, then there’s a good chance you’ve tried to access a section …

: Fluid Slider by Ramotion This has got to be one of the nicest sliders I’ve seen. “Fluid Slider - A slider widget with a …

: Being Surprised by an Apple Watch App I was pleasantly surprised by an Apple Watch app yesterday! That’s certainly something that doesn’t …

: Sharing Blog Posts to Micro.Blog Using Workflow! In the latest update to for iOS, support was added for a URL scheme to start composing a …

: I’m liking the idea of having a temporary announcement section at the top of my blog!

: The redesign is going quite well! I think I have every “feature” in the new theme, apart from …

: I’ve now started the long process of moving my blog from Ghost to WordPress. Starting with …

: Another Perspective on "Pro" Just another perspective on the iMac Pro and generic “Pro" definition debate: What if a …

: 🌅⛄️

: I’ve finished my big (1700 words) year in review post. But now the dilemma is: when should I …

: 🌅 ⛄️

: I’m now up to 7/9 sections finished of my year in review post! 📝

: Best 9 photos of this year! Pretty much sums up my life.

: After a few days of ideas and planning, I’ve started my 2017 year in review blog post! So far …

: Man Gets Head Stuck in Cemented Microwave In the ever philosophical words of Hermione Granger: What an idiot. Watch on YouTube.

: I tried out MarsEdit for the first time last night, and it just makes me even more sad that my blog …

: Possibly Moving From Ghost I’m starting to seriously consider moving my blog over from Ghost. It’s a really minimal …

: Now for the boring part of an aeroplane journey.

: 🏝☀️

: Another day at the beach. 🏝

: One of them fancy lock rails. 🔒

: Just a random Parrot…

: One of them fancy lock rails. 🔒 #Lanzarote #shotoniphone

: ☀️ #Lanzarote #ShotoniPhone

: Lanzarote Lighthouse💡 🌊

: The water is so clear here, I kept nearly walking into the sea by accident! 💦

: The water is so clear here, I kept nearly walking into the sea by accident! 💦

: This sunset! 🇪🇸☀️👌🏻🌅

: This sunset! 🇪🇸☀️👌🏻🌅

: Isn’t life stressful? 😜☀️🇪🇸🙌🏻💦✈️👌🏻

: Isn’t life stressful? 😜☀️🇪🇸🙌🏻💦✈️👌🏻

: Nice iced up plane wing!

: Cold morning in London. ❄️ 🌳

: Cold morning in London. ❄️ 🌳

: Inside my mini terrarium. 🌱🗿🍃

: Inside my mini terrarium. 🌱🗿🍃

: Sunrise by the river. ☀️ 💦

: Sunrise by the river. ☀️ 💦

: Mini terrarium inside a jar. 🌿🌱

: Peacock in Holland Park.

: Just been for dinner at Inamo in Soho, London. Very nice food! And the whole table was interactive! …

: The most basic task manager you can get. 📝

: Henning Wehn has now become my new favourite comedian. 😆 🇩🇪

: SOLID v1.1 Released! SOLID v1.1 is now available to download (for free) from the App Store! Updates including: Standard …

: Eddie Redmayne‘s acting in “The Theory of Everything” is just perfection. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

: The final build of SOLID v1.1 is done! Anything else I add, will be in a future release. 😜 So …

: 👍

: Look at this beautiful iOS solid colour wallpaper generator!

: SOLID v1.1 Update Some good improvements to SOLID! In v1.0, the app was a simple single view that allowed you to …

: Some good app development going on tonight!…

: 🇬🇧

: The chilli seeds I got from Wahaca are growing well!

: If you thought Workflow was dead, you were wrong! Workflow 1.7.7 Brings Drag and Drop Integration, …

: Qwiki is now 1/3 off! My app Qwiki is now 1/3 off! Purely because it hasn’t received so much attention recently …

: Sometimes I really hate using Xcode.

: Wow, I did not expect Finland to have it’s own set of emoji.



: Just chilling with my friend Bones at work! 💀

: IMDB Top Something Workflow I just spent my evening making a workflow that requests the top however many movies from IMDB, …

: The sunset in London, and also a few handy reflections. 🌅

: No new iPhone order for myself today. Not really an issue though, because I didn’t even want …

: 🌳☀️🌳

: With all this fog, I think it must be shorts weather!

: Arsenal losing 1-0 to Norwich after 85 minutes, Eddie Nketiah comes on for his competitive debut, …

: Superb football today from Arsenal! Arsene waited until his birthday to unleash the deadly trio of …

: World of Warcraft brings out the dedication in me. (This is just one character).

: 🍹🍸🍺

: London 🌅

: Cheesecake! 🍰

: Kyoto Garden ⛩

: ⌚️⌚️

: 🌲 🏢

: 🚲 🚲 🚲

: 🏙

: He looked back in anger…



: Good 3-0 win at the Emirates!


: “Views” - Drake

: Saw some pretty cool animals today! I even held some random birds, including a Bald Eagle! 🦅. …

: Last real night in Tenerife!

: Not a bad view. 🏊

: Sea Lions at a water park!

: There’s no way these are hot dogs!

: Someone needs to turn the render distance up.

: Portrait Mode. #ShotoniPhone

: It’s like a jungle outside our hotel room. 🌴🌱🌳🌴🍃

: #ShotoniPhone

: Is this how you iPad?

: I don’t think I’ll be getting a Coconut Latte here. 🌴☕️

: Only took me about 10 minutes in the hotel before I found a new friend.

: Checked in, and now waiting for the gate!

: Looks like he’s driving! #ShotoniPhone

: The sky looks pretty cool!

: 🌅

: Pretty nice day in London today!

: My mum got me a mini gift for my graduation!

: Look what’s arrived! 😍⌨️ #apple #keyboard #retro #appleextendedkeyboard #AEK #AEKII

: Working on the history view in #Hydrate!

: 🛩



: #AlwaysSwifting

: Just have my first mini-presentation at work. Of course I used emoji. 🙌🏻

: This sticker just 💯 gets me.

: Meat Mission with @rebeccarobot 🍔

: 🎥 👀!!!!!!!!!

: 😎

: ☕️

: View from the office.

: I’ve got that dual screen wallpaper style! 😜

: Lunch in a proper pub!

: Installing High Sierra on the second Mac!

: 🌊

: 🚣

: The sun was rising early this morning! This was just after 3 am, on the way up to Norfolk!

: Sunset at Ivinghoe Beacon 🌅

: 🍺

: #Eurovision

: Just about to start my 8000 word report for university. I have just 9 days to get it done! 😬

: I think have the right socks on today. #StarWarsDay



: ✈️ 🇮🇪

: Fixing up my blog, and moving it to a subdomain! 🤓 🌎 💻 #programmer #programming …

: Finally implemented the entire DarkSky Forecast API, it’s probably time I got the interface …

: Only Fantastic Beasts can get me through this incredibly boring Android/Java work for university! 🤓 …

: 🍞🍳

: Popped into the Lego store!

: China Town 🇬🇧 🇨🇳 #ChinaTown #London #Obscura

: 🌄

: This sounds like the worst job in the world.

: It’s amazing what you can find on #PokemonGO! #Arsenal

: What a balcony!

: Algarve! ☀️ 🌊 ☁️ #Algarve #Portugal #Obscura

: 🌊 ☀️

: Being a student is really hard… ☀️ 🕶 🇵🇹

: 🧀 🎂

: Every hour is beer hour! 🍺 🇵🇹

: Chicken nuggets, meatballs, onion rings, and chips in a basket!

: This is how I make ham and cheese croissants! 🥐 🧀 🐷

: You know what they say, when in Portugal…

: 🇵🇹 ☀️ 🌊

: View from the balcony!

: ✈️ 🌅

: There’s already a Switch in CEX!

: Crepe time!

: Time for some Heroes of the Storm!

: Waffles and Ice Cream from @rebeccarobot!

: #London #Obscura

: The last sunset I’ll see in Barcelona! 🇪🇸

: Anciano 🇪🇸

: View from Sagrada Familia

: The sun is setting in Barcelona!

: Macba

: 😳🇪🇸⚽️🙌🏻✅

: From all #Arsenal fans!

: 5 Champions League Trophies! ⚽️ 🏆 🇪🇸

: #Obscura #SagradaFamilia #Barcelona

: #Obscura #SagradaFamilia

: Bloody graffiti artists!

: Gotta catch em all! #Pokemon #Metro #Barcelona #Pikachu

: The Bloody Mary sounds disgusting! 😷

: Half a Litre! 🍺

: 🇪🇸

: 🇪🇸 ☀️ 🌴

: Now the other side.

: Sagrada Familia #Barcelona #Obscura

: 🇪🇸

: 🇪🇸 Barcelona ✅ ☀️ Sun ✅ 🏄🏼 Skateboard ✅ 🕶 Sunglasses ✅

: Pretty standard English coast.

: “What do you want your sign to say?” “Hashtag Hair please” #hashtag

: 🌯

: Two goals for Sanchez! ⚽️⚽️ Two beers for me! 🍺🍺 #Beer #Sanchez #Arsenal

: 🍦

: Gloomy day in London.

: 🦁 👑

: Stocked up on coffee again! ☕️

: Bowling with @rebeccarobot

: Some pretty cool lights!

: Beach weather?

: Woops.

: Out for Chinese with @rebeccarobot!

: 🍩😱👏🏼

: Java work for University!

: The base coats are done! 🦈 🎨

: Pots of Art with @rebeccarobot and @jen_star_uk 🦈

: Since getting a coffee machine for Christmas, my collection has been growing very fast! …

: Chinese with @rebeccarobot!

: A nice blank-paged Moleskine notebook, ready for my 2017 journal!

: What’s Christmas without Lynx Africa?

: This should be fun!

: Late night skate!

: Me and Rebecca at her second graduation! 🎓🎓

: I just released a FREE iPhone game called #TapGap, where you have to tap the screen when the line is …

: Beer time 🍺

: #autumn #leaves #obscura

: Just signed. #AFCStadiumTour #Arsenal

: Just look at that view! #AFCStadiumTour

: Welbeck has probably been in this dressing gown for over a year. #Arsenal #Welbeck

: Welcome your new leader, Chancellor Trump. #Trump #USElection

: Rebecca made pancakes!

: Olympic diver 🏊🏼 or shrimp? 🍤

: Rebecca cooked some huge pasta tonight! 🍴

: My sweet has a pair of bollocks!

: This is why Apple need to bring out a new MacBook. I have 31 stickers waiting for it! My iPad and …

: And a Dewgong!

: I just found a Sandslash!

: That escalated quickly.

: Woof! Big Issue?

: I’ve just released a Sticker pack for iMessage! Featuring 30+ pixelated stickers! (Link in …

: Just drove this little guy to Malia. 🇬🇷

: I went on a boat! ⛵️

: Just an Iguana catching a ride.

: The Sky in Hersonissos, Crete. 🌌 ☀️ 🇬🇷

: Birthday meal/drinks with @rebeccarobot 🎉🎂🍺

: When your bar opens before you’ve decided on a name.

: New Vans! 🔑👟🕶

: We’ve been to too many pubs, but we’ve now ended up at the VIP section of a random club …

: First Cocktail of @mastermarcolino’s Stag Weekend, and it’s a Red Army!

: 😬


: I picked up a Holga 135 over the weekend! Only £2!

: Late breakfast! #food #foodporn #breakfast

: Just got a random new Dark Kinder Bueno in the post! #loveythedark #imawarehowoddthelasthasttagis

: Look who I caught! #Pokemon #Mew

: My #Pokemon 2DS is here!

: #Brighton

: Disney fancy dress!

: My mum told me to decorate the trifle.

: Support App Recap by getting one of these Tees! They start from just £8 and the link in my bio will …

: It finally arrived!

: #couplegoals

: Tom Daley signs! #ManUtd #MUFC #ManU #manunited

: Last breakfast in Italy.

: Another day at the lake!

: This is as continental as my breakfast gets.

: Lake Garda #peschiera #italy #lake #garda #lakegarda #water #italia #bridge

: Sealife Aquarium in Lake Garda! #lake #Garda #sealife #fish #starfish

: Ice Cream!

: Tonight’s restaurant!

: The steak was a bit more “alive” than I’m used to!

: The water is super clear!

: Coffee time!

: Lake Garda

: Lake Garda

: Boarding!

: Pre-flight Starbucks!

: McDonald’s before we head off to Gatwick.

: Italy in 4 days!

: Asleep as usual.

: #BB8 Cup!

: The Force Awakens!

: Free Popcorn in the mail!

: Myrtle sleeping on a box as usual.

: Rebecca has made some odd Yorkshire puddings. #yorkie #roast #food

: Even more specifically, the entire needs of a Man.

: Long tee steez

: Natural History Museum!

: #England vs #France

: Good seats!

: Wembley is looking nice!

: Wooo! Call of Duty is here already!


: Halloween! 👻🎃


: I’ve never heard this rhyme before!

: Whoops!

: Back to my favourite seat at university. I’m only in my second week of this year and already …

: The struggles…

: Who would of thought that I’m 23. #Pokemon #indigoleague

: Look what I saw at Euston! @disciplineskateboards @matlloydpoet

: I’ve just started to learn Lift/Scala, it is confusing! #programming #web #lift #scala

: The cats are actually sat together for once!

: My eBook “Choosing a Blogging Platform is now available in iBooks! Search for “Choosing …


: Since when has stapling been an option in Word?

: If it gets cold you could always put one of these on.

: Reading through my first draft with a bit of Sheckler Sessions in the background!

: Here’s a before and after of my latest haircut, definitely a bit tidier.

: Half a mouthful, that’s £1.55. #thievingbastards

: £2 for this tiny toastie at M&S, thieving bastards.

: Instagram now supports portrait/landscape pictures. I thought I’d celebrate that with a …

: Another picture from Whipsnade Zoo, this time it’s one of their free-roaming Mara. #ZSL …

: Here’s another photo from ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, it’s a Tiger Longwing Butterfly. #ZSL #zoo …

: Here is a Large Tree Nymph Butterfly, that I saw at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo. #zoo #ZSL #animal #butterfly …

: Just in case no ones seen a sunset before.

: Here are the latest seeds that I’ve planted. I’ve forgotten what they are, so I guess …

: The true test of patience. #Pokemon #magikarp #gyarados

: One of the many plants that I’ve grown from a seed! It was actually supposed to be a herb!

: Good night out in London!

: When you want that really cheeky Nandos.

: There’s a storm! #storm #lightning #bolt

: There was over 3000 in my inbox about 2 hours ago.

: Just got my overall grades for my first year at uni!

: I reviewed two apps recently: Jurassic World and Try Harder. You can find them both on my website …

: Clacton-on-Sea with Rebecca!

: They’re always happy!

: Rebecca got me a pizza!

: Going by my Health app I haven’t been as active today!

: I just made a new story on @stellerstories. Check it out + follow me. My username is: chrishannah. …

: Pizza!

: I didn’t realise a large Peroni was a 660ml bottle! 🙀

: I thought I’d have a walk around in London today, seeing as I have to be at uni for 2pm. …

: My bonsai is getting there! #bonsai #plant #tree

: I made a little thing on Steller earlier, about the Warner Bros Studio Tour! …

: Bluebells #flower #ashridge #woods #purple #bluebell #nature

: Ashridge!

: Forsythia #flower #nature #forsythia #yellow #spring

: #axolotl #amphibian #tank #animal #zoo #londonzoo #mudkip

: #axolotl #amphibian #tank #animal #zoo #londonzoo #mudkip

: All back to normal with a 93%

: Hogwarts Express! #harrypotter #wbstudiotour #warnerbros #hogwartsexpress #train

: Hogwarts Express! #harrypotter #wbstudiotour #warnerbros #hogwartsexpress #train

: These are my current grades for my Computing module. 70% is a First.

: #nature #woods #sky #landscape #ashridge #pano

: #nature #woods #sky #landscape #ashridge #pano

: #nature #woods #sky #landscape #ashridge #pano

: #bluebells #flower #woods #trees #ashridge #nature #pano

: #bluebells #flower #woods #trees #ashridge #nature #pano

: #bluebells #flower #woods #trees #ashridge #nature #pano

: Bill Splitter - Split a Bill and Add a Tip! My new app for iPhone and Apple Watch! Link in my bio! …

: Star Wars Cereal #yesim22

: Yes! Sky Sports put my tweet up!

: Blogging in Costa before Uni!

: Here’s what my #bonsai is looking like at the minute!

: We do like our tea at work! #Brit #tea

: Dream Car! 🚗💭 #Nissan #gtr #car

: Playing Pokemon with an Xbox controller! #Pokemon #Rom #emulator #gba

: Can’t turn down a bit of crumpet in the morning!

: #Snapchat!

: #Arsenal #ManchesterCity #Football #4thPlace

: Pygmy Goat Selfie!

: £7 bargain!

: BUTTERBEER! (Served at all respectable pubs)

: I don’t post many pictures of myself, but I just chilled out on a pretty comfy Hogwarts …

: Inside! #hogwartsexpress #harrypotter

: Hogwarts Express!

: New addition to the tour!

: Warner Brothers Studio Tour! For the fourth time! #harrypotter

: This is all i managed to get on my iPhone. #eclipse

: Lord Bendtner strikes again! #lordbendtner #lord #bendtner #wolfsburg

: Damn right my code is javadoc compatible! #programming #java #javadoc #university

: Doing a bit of website work at uni!

: Nice day in #london today!

: New shoes! #purple #vans

: Good game today! #Arsenal

: My #bonsai!

: I didn’t realise the BlackBerry battery was that good!

: First #Pancake of the day!

: This is a bit strange, randomly got a postcard from @echosmith!

: #GameOver

: If you have kids and an iPhone, then check out my latest game! It’s a fun animal memory …

: 97% on my first programming coursework!

: Found a little hidden lounge at uni. Even has a 50p coffee machine.

: #London!

: Got to London a bit early today!

: New green Lakais came! @lakailtd #lakai #skate #green #shoe

: I guess the chair was a good purchase.

: Arsenal’s twelfth man today! #arsenal #westham #WHUvARS #alexsong

: From the bottle!

: #nerdmonopoly


: When I get bored… #Dumbledore #kimjongun

: My Christmas jumper arrived!

: #KingHenry

: This is my spot when I get to uni early!

: My coursework still looks pretty good!

: Nandos chicken and chips!


: This films really popular

: Some Spanish beer!

: My coursework looks pretty good, if I must say so myself. #programming

: The dream #arsenal lineup

: Someone left this in the uni toilets

: Draw me like one of them french girls. #cat #kitten

: Found Myrtle in the bath again. Then she decided I was a better bed.

: Thieving bastards!

: Myrtle has now decided she likes to sit in the bath.

: Enough programming for tonight. #ios #programming

: I’m #cooking again tonight! #stirfry

: It’s a bit chilly this morning.

: I think #Arsenal got the better deal.

: My #bonsai #sapling has been repotted! #plants #bonsaitree

: Made a little cheesecake! #cooking #chef #food #foodporn #cheescake

: Grilled Stuffed Pepper with Chicken and Cheese!

: I’m cheffing it again! #stirfry #cooking #chef


: Just got to Wembley! Ready for tonight’s game!

: I’m making stir fry!

: Big day here tomorrow! #arsenal #northlondonderby

: Isn’t this meant to be in the road? #slow #roadsign

: New shoes! #lakai

: My Bamboo! #bamboo #arrowbamboo #plant

: It’s out of the oven! #cake #baking

: Cake time! #baking #cake

: Tuna pasta for lunch! #healthy #food

: May as well come here for a bit!

: I’m now officially a student!

: My little #bonsai

: #Winners


: I now forever own a bit of Hermione Granger. #itsnotthatcreepy

: Butterbeer!

: Quick coffee before I head into @wbstudiotour for the 3rd time!

: #SundayClub is looking pretty empty at the moment!

: My first bonsai tree has germinated! #bonsai #plants

: Chimpanzee brain

: Just made myself egg and meatball muffins!

: #london

: Should of worn my Arsenal shirt.

: Here is the Apple I! #sciencemuseum #apple

: Coffee game has been upped.

: I Amsterdam! #amsterdam #architecture #iamsterdam #building

: #tourist

: #tourist


: My birthday present has finally arrived! #Arsenal #Arsenalfc #Ozil

: This guy is looking awesome!

: Late night session

: #EmiratesCup #Arsenal #ArsenalFC

: New Mug! #GoT #GameofThrones

: #Up before bed! #disney

: It got much bigger than this!


: Movie night again.

: I’m getting better at this.

: North London is Red. #Arsenal #Puma

: My 50mm arrived!


: New shoes!

: I got a portable USB battery pack!

: Reworking my blog! #webdesign

: They’ve been upgraded to bigger pots! #gardening #bamboo #palm

: The best picture I’ve ever seen.

: Time for a nice cider!

: My new Bamboo and Palm Tree!

: Outdoor film night setup

: I’m not counting.


: #London

: My latest invention… Marmite Chicken!


: !

: I stole a sign from a protest in London



: London!

: Already!

: Done! #baking

: Out of the oven! #baking

: They’re going in! #baking

: These songs will do fine for tonight.

: Cast is off! Now I have a skinny left leg!

: Just gone to see the Master Baiter in World of Warcraft! #wow

: The sun’s coming up, time for bed.

: My new watch arrived! #Rotary #Watch

: Oh yeah. #geek

: Woo skinny joggers! They look good minus the cast.

: Here’s one benefit of waking up early. #Pokemon

: One benefit of being single! You get to eat the last rolo! #ROLO

: I’ve created an image hosting service from scratch!

: Come on #Arsenal

: Unlucky Yoda. #yoda

: New cast today! Turns out I got #Arsenal red! #brokenbone

: Woooo! Look what I’ve been getting up to, now I’m off work for a bit! Oh yeah, nothing!

: Another update. You can now see the way to my toes. #ouch

: I’m liking the special treatment!

: Whoops

: I’m all Game of Thrones wallpapered up after that episode.

: All set for Game of Thrones! #got #mac #beer #gameofthrones

: !

: Kentucky Friday Chicken #kfc

: #HedwigSelfie

: A firm tug? 😳

: At least I have Spotify while studying before my Electrical Testing course!

: Currently trying out Spotify Premium!

: Treated myself to 5 new fish and 3 Shrimp today!

: It’s coming! #AFCvMCFC

: Look at them levels, barely into Mt.Moon #pokemon

: Come at me Brock #pokemon

: North London.

: I got a curry, Jade got pizza. Now to watch Pokemon.

: Treated myself to a manly Korma.

: Skateboarding!!!


: It’s getting tense!

: Woo free Starbucks!

: The Lions are clearly all worked out.

: Elephants! @zslwhipsnadezoo

: Just arrived at the Zoo!

: Peroni!

: Splinters aren’t fun, especially when they’re so bad you have to use a knife to remove …

: Best Radio Station!

: #teaselfie

: Clearly they couldn’t find 4 the same colour!

: Check out my game for iPhone! #FloppyTurd #app #game …

: Back in Azeroth

: LOTR Complete

: Embarking on an all night LOTR marathon with @thomdillon and @verbaud

: Here she is.

: Happy Valentines Day to my partner!

: I had to buy this after seeing them last night.

: A Day To Remember!


: #FloppyTurd out soon on iOS!

: Avoid the toilet rolls! #FloppyTurd #iOS #game

: You might not have to wait long! #floppyturd

: Wouldn’t it be cool if you were a turd flying through piles of toilet roll? #FloppyTurd #poo …

: Came home to find a pussy in my bed.

: I got lumped with helping do the shopping

: Finally getting some sun and a blue sky! #sun #sunny #sunnyday #TagsForLikes #sunnydays #sunlight …

: Best crisps ever at work! #crisps #frazzles

: Smokey Starbucks.

: Need to go back! #Amsterdam

: I need new glasses, I had to take them off because they’re giving me a headache! #headache …

: Haven’t been here in a while!

: #Amsterdam



: For some reason I like to take pictures of clouds.

: My @lovenskate goodies arrived!

: Bow ties are cool

: Kneel before me.

: Initiation complete #instajon

: Winter!

: Myrtle put herself to bed.

: Now using my #arduino again!

: Daily cat picture.

: My Janoski’s!

: Lunch in the sun.

: Sunset in Amsterdam

: I Amsterdam

: Hotel View

: Amsterdam Canal!

: My birthday cake!

: #cows #sunset


: Finally Headless Nick!




: Lioness

: Flamingos

: Tonight’s progress, infinite dashboard, with automatic styling.